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November 03, 2010



I have had a similar experience racing the MAC W123 this year and the MABRA 1/2. I used to hold myself back a bit when staring in the W3/4, now I go all-out and am lucky if I'm mid-pack. You may one mistake and there is next to no chance that you'll be able to make up that ground. My head is not in a good place this year and while I could go through the motions in a 3/4 race and still end up in the top 5, I will end up last or nearly last in the elite race.

shawn downing

Scott - you summed up my thoughts and feelings about 35/45 elite. It is not perfect but then how do you explain a 56+ year old Randy Root giving hell to the top 5 of 35/45 year olds? Like hime, some are genetic freaks like 45 year old Laura Van Gilder and Mark Kutney too.
I have to realize now what is wrong with being average? It is all about the struggle. We live in a fantastic area with deep talent - enjoy it!
See you at the next event.



Thanks for reading and for commenting. And thanks for being a nice nemesis for me. You've made it fun. I am just disappointed because I don't feel like I've gotten my A game going this season. But yes, you will see me at Howard County. I like Rockburn and it historically likes me (like Winchester, just the right combo of turns to slow the really fast guys down, and hills to give my skinny butt a little advantage)


Oh, and Shawn, the crazy thing is we're not "average" if you look at the larger universe of masters racers. There, I said something positive ;-)

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